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Week of Prayer | International Missions Prayer Missions

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Day 1

Churches Connect With Missionary Task

Tim and Tina Louderback and Sean and Shelley Blacksten are passionate about equipping and connecting churches with opportunities to serve in Central America and the Caribbean. The Louderbacks and the Blackstens serve with the International Mission Board in Panama, and the Louderbacks lead the Americas Connect program.


Day 2

Missionaries Welcome Efforts to Push Back Darkness

The mission strategy of Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma was forever changed when their missions pastor read a statistic: “5% of missions work is done in North Africa and the Middle East.” After reading this startling fact, Mike knew the Lord was calling him to lead his church in reversing the statistic in their own mission strategy.


Day 3

Couple Equips Hispanics and Latinos in South Asia

IMB workers Skip and Kim Meyer* have spent their lives on two very different missions fields but with the same purpose: giving hope to people who need it and equipping others to do the same. The Meyers moved to South Asia in 2004 with the desire to plant their lives in an area with a great need for the gospel. Their lives on the missions field started, however, in South America where they grew up as friends—each the child of missionaries.


Day 4

West African Take Lead in Sharing Bible Stories

IMB missionary Katee Sheppard*, alongside a team of nationals in five countries, has been effectively using Bible storying for over a decade in a ministry to truck drivers. She says the drivers are normally closed to gospel conversations, but they love the stories.


Day 5

Turkmen Search for Hope, Security

Life in Turkmenistan, one of the most repressive countries in the world according to those in the region, causes many Turkmen to look for an escape route. Political and social stressors play a role, but a lack of basic necessities is the driving force. “Life has been very difficult in Turkmenistan,” says Lara Bingham*, an IMB worker in Central Asia.


Day 6

Prayer and Miracles Transform

Stephen and Erin Spencer* minister in a region of Southeast Asia where tribal warfare is ongoing, civil unrest is on the rise, and foreigners are blacklisted from entering certain regions. However, the good news is entering homes and hearts.


Day 7

Taiwanese Believers Commit to Global Spread of Gospel

When IMB missionary Jeremiah Farmer* moved to Taiwan, he recognized a need in the churches—no one was being sent out as missionaries.


Day 8

Churches Grow and Multiply in Czechia

When Larry and Melissa Lewis and their family moved to Czechia in 2009 as IMB church planters, they knew they had a tough job ahead. Only 29% of the population acknowledges the existence of a god, and less than 1% choose to follow Jesus. In fact, Czechia is well known for being the most irreligious country in Europe.





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