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December 2022 Monthly Focus

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Mission Focus | Mexico

Missionaries | Chris & Sara Armstrong


A walk through the streets of remote mountain villages in Mexico is an experience that fills the senses. Houses are painted in bright, colorful hues, the sounds of roosters, dogs, birdsong, and fireworks fill the air, and the scent of homemade tortillas cooking over wood-burning fires serves as a reminder that it’s time to eat.

But in this place filled with warm, caring people, there is a sense of fear and lostness that only the hope of Christ can heal. This is the work the Armstrong family is striving to accomplish here in this hard-to-reach place. To bring the gospel to those who have never heard, they must trust and rely on God no matter what.

The task of reaching an indigenous UPG high in the mountains of Mexico is made difficult by the group’s isolation from the outside world and the rough terrain in which they live. Chris said, “These communities are not easily accessed physically or spiritually.”

Chris and Sara make inroads by “doing life” with the villagers and demonstrating their desire to learn and help.

Chris and Sara said, “Although many don’t agree with us and don’t want our religion, they are beginning to respect us and see we are there to help, and we are always willing to lend a hand and contribute to the community when we can.”

For the Armstrongs, prayer is an essential part of life and ministry. Through it, they have seen God do miraculous things. They shared, “The only reason we have seen any success in sharing the gospel and entering these closed communities is because so many people back in the US are praying for God to move daily.”

5 Fun Facts about the Missionaries

  1. After Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong heard a missionary kid share her story, they started praying about becoming missionaries.

  2. When the Armstrongs moved to Mexico, they had a Pure Water, Pure Love water filter installed so they would not become sick from drinking the water.

  3. The Armstrongs love pozole [POH-zoh-lay] and tacos. Pozole is a type of broth soup made with soaked corn kernels.

  4. Mr. Armstrong enjoys wearing polyester pants, button-down shirts, and huaraches [WAH-dah-chess] just like the men around him.

  5. Mrs. Armstrong loves wearing huipils [WHEE-bee-less] with skirts. A huipil is a handmade blouse with colorful designs, animals, and birds.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that God will prepare the people’s hearts to hear about Jesus.

  • Pray that the Armstrongs will be bold in telling others about Jesus.

  • Pray that there will be a local pastor in the area so the Armstrongs can work together with him.

  • Pray that the Armstrongs will learn the language of the people so they can visit and explain clearly about Jesus and His love.

  • Pray that Gloria, Betty, and Ruby will choose to love Jesus and become faithful followers of Christ.

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