Mission Focus | Uganda
Missionaries | Kevin & Victoria Singerman
Kevin and Victoria serve as International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries in Uganda among Sudanese refugees. Their primary work is doing food distribution, trauma healing, and evangelism alongside discipleship. As a result of the food distributions and sharing the gospel, Kevin explained, “We have a small church plant whose leaders are Muslim-background believers [who] passionately seek to evangelize their lost Sudanese brothers and sisters.” Kevin’s team members also seek to provide long-term help for refugees through a ministry of training people in small business management.
5 Fun Facts about the Special Workers
Kevin Singerman grew up in West Africa because his parents are missionaries.
Both Kevin and Victoria Singerman knew they wanted to be missionaries when they were very young.
While the Singermans could speak some Arabic after six months of language lessons, it took a full five years to feel comfortable with the language.
Kevin and Victoria Singerman have three children who are active participants in their work.
The Singermans share their work and their adventures on YouTube through their account @AwakeningAfrica.
Prayer Requests
Pray that Christian leaders will begin to emerge among Sudanese people who love Jesus.
Pray for leaders in Uganda to know and love Jesus and begin telling others about Jesus.
Pray that the work of the Singermans will result in more new churches starting across Kampala.
Pray for continued peace in Uganda.
Pray for local friends who work with the Singermans to stay faithful and close to Jesus.